Thursday, June 19, 2008

T -4 Days - Camp Meeting tomorrow

This Thursday is almost impossible to describe properly. Full to the brim, but not with what I imagined. How does one say that an "emergency" was scheduled, and took up more of the day than expected? Suffice it to say that the emergency is now in the past, the office at church looks cleaner than it has for months, my laptop has a loaner harddrive much bigger than my own, (so it doesn't fill up and run slowly while overseas - thanks Mark!). My piece is written for a July newsletter. And my daughter Heather has started me on Blogspot in hopes that it can help family and friends "join us" on our sabbatical.

Tomorrow is Camp Meeting preparation with the first meeting in the evening - in addition to singing with the Valley Men's Chorus at the start.

Will we ever get time enough to pack? :-)

1 comment:

Heather Ann said...

Ah, time, there is NEVER enough! ^_^